Prepare for Learning 20
Spanish Republican Anthem
enter war in pictures:
Starter: Classic Hollywood Narrative & Propp's Character Archetypes
Does La Haine or Pan's Labyrinth or City of God follow this?
1: Pans Labrynth
Labrynth Website & Film Ed resources, SWEDE
Create Meaning
1. Film
Narrative Timeline (is it CHN? Cause/effect) beg/mid/end, clear
resolution: what is it saying?
2. Fakebook Character Profiles (Archetypes, stock characters, , psychological motivations- why they did what they did in the story?
3. Narrative Framing device: Capture Key Scenes with their Point of view, retell the events from another character's point of view Voki
4. Key events from history that the film deals with - Thematic Board or Video
Group 2: La Haine
Resources: Toilet Scene, Algerian Massacre, Jews in France
Create Meaning
1. Film Narrative Timeline (is it CHN? Cause/effect) beg/mid/end, clear
resolution: what is it saying?
2. Fakebook Character Profiles (Archetypes, stock characters, psychological motivations- why they did what they did in the story?
3. Narrative Framing device: Point of view, retell the events from another character's point of view (Vinz & Hubert)
4. Key events from history that the film deals with - Thematic Board or Video
Group 3: City of God
Create Meaning
1. Film Narrative Timeline (is it CHN? Cause/effect) beg/mid/end, clear resolution: what is it saying?
2. Fakebook Character Profiles (Archetypes, stock characters, , psychological motivations- why they did what they did in the story?
3. Narrative Framing device: Point of view, retell the events from another character's point of view
4. Key events from history that the film deals with - Thematic Board or Video
Apply to demonstrate
the role of Narrative in communicating messages and values
Can you find anything in the resources that explains the messages of the film?
Write up your analysis, choosing 5 scenes from the films to focus on and complete the analysis grids