Tuesday, 16 September 2014

1.3.2&3 Narrative, Messages and Context

Prepare for Learning 20 mins
Spanish Republican Anthem

Starter: Classic Hollywood Narrative & Propp's Character Archetypes

Does La Haine or Pan's Labyrinth or City of God follow this?

Group 1: Pans Labrynth 
Pan’s Labrynth Website & Film Ed resources, SWEDE

Create Meaning
1. Film Narrative Timeline (is it CHN? Cause/effect) beg/mid/end, clear resolution: what is it saying?

2. Fakebook Character Profiles (Archetypesstock characters, psychological motivations-  why they did what they did in the story?
3. Narrative Framing device: Capture Key Scenes with their Point of view, retell the events from another character's point of view Voki
4. Key events from history that the film deals with - Thematic Board or Video

Group 2: La Haine
Resources: Toilet Scene, Algerian Massacre, Jews in France

Create Meaning
1. Film Narrative Timeline (is it CHN? Cause/effect) beg/mid/end, clear resolution: what is it saying?

2. Fakebook Character Profiles (Archetypes, stock characters, psychological motivations-  why they did what they did in the story?
3. Narrative Framing device: Point of view, retell the events from another character's point of view (Vinz & Hubert)
4. Key events from history that the film deals with - Thematic Board or Video

Group 3: City of God

Create Meaning
1. Film Narrative Timeline (is it CHN? Cause/effect) beg/mid/end, clear resolution: what is it saying?
2. Fakebook Character Profiles (Archetypesstock characters, psychological motivations-  why they did what they did in the story?
3. Narrative Framing device: Point of view, retell the events from another character's point of view
4. Key events from history that the film deals with - Thematic Board or Video

Apply to demonstrate
Discuss the role of Narrative in communicating messages and values

Can you find anything in the resources that explains the messages of the film?

Write up your analysis, choosing 5 scenes from the films to focus on and complete the  analysis grids


Close Textual Analysis La Haine

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Pre-reading week 1: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Watch this.

Watch La Haine

Identify 5 scenes that you think CHALLENGE the dominate ideas of  Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

Leave your comments in the box below
Would this class La Haine as an example of National Cinema? (Yes or No.)

Why? (1 sentence)

Assimilation vs Multiculturalism La HAine Video Essay example

Annotate the video to add your analysis to complete the video

Week 1 Preparitory Work (dectectives) for next week

1. Play Who Dunnit?
Who Dunnit is a game where you must work out from the clues (research) you are presented with to formulate an answer (conlcusion) based on your investigation (hypothesis)

What have you learned about the skills required for an investigation:
List 3

2. Look through the studies that the students have conducted last year

Pick one that interests you

3. Analyse & deconstruct the content of these essays under the following colours using Popplet

Primary Sources (references and how they were presented)

Secondary Sources (references and how they were presented)

Hypothesis/Research Questions

Conclusion drawn from each sources/point made

4. Write a commentary of 100 words of:
How each sources interrelates with the next/builds on and develops (ie a Theory is applied to a Textual Analysis)

How the overall conclusion is balanced - how have they arrived at this solution/answer/conclusion

5. Now begin your investigation using this as a starting point:

You can either:
Start a new study
Continue your study from Module 6
or Develop on one of the studies from last years students*

Be ready to discuss you area of interest with Mr Dixon next session.

1.1.1 Assimiltaion & Multiculturalism & 1.1.2 Close analysis of messgaes in La Haine


Yahoo answers


French or UK Model?

La haine intro from Naamah Hill

New Info 20 minutes
Where to look for Research

Research the background information for each key text- director, year etc

Using box office figures and critic reviews and awards etc explore how the two films were received both nationally and internationally.

IMDB facts and figures on reception
Sight and Sound and Guardian Articles

Create Meaning
Structured note taking task: compare and contrast reception for both texts considering: box office, criticism awards, stars, genre, authorship.
Debate and brainstorm reasons why reception may be different internationally?

Apply to demonstrate
Send your comments to the board (email or ideas)
What factors have contributed to the success of the films you have studied nationally and internationally?

Use notes to write extended answer to the question ‘what factors have contributed to the success of the films you have studied both home and abroad?

Home Learning:
Read up on the Auteur using the reoursces on blog for quiz next lesson 


Prepare for Learning20 mins
Identification – how can we?
Show clip of Algerian in a Ghetto and a Black Male in a Brazilian Slum?
Our ideologies and our points of view:
How do we feel about this?

New Info

Analysis of the film with questions