How significant is representation in constructing national cinema in the 2 films you have studied?
Key words
What do you have to address
defining the aspects of rep (gender pyschoanalysis and nation)
what qualifies as national cinema
Make an overall comparison about the reliance and different uses of representation in the films
What extent you agree/disagree and simply outline why
Point 1:
Point - comparatively what extent?
Examples (analysis of scene)
Analysis (gendered meaning)
Synthesis (how they show national cinema and context)
Point 2:
Point - comparatively what extent?
Examples (analysis of scene)
Analysis (gendered meaning)
Synthesis (how they show national cinema and context)
Point 3:
Psycho-sexual yonic phallic
Point - comparatively what extent?
Examples (analysis of scene)
Analysis (gendered meaning)
Synthesis (purpose - how they show national cinema and context)
Point 4:
National identity
Point - comparatively what extent?
Examples (analysis of scene)
Analysis (gendered meaning)
Synthesis (how they show national cinema and context)
1. Extent significance of rep in communicating national cinema (contexts and alternative ideology/critical)