Wednesday, 1 October 2014

1.5.1 Genre, Style & Themes

New Info
Style - French New Wave, Cinema Verite, The Auteur, Magical Realism, 
Genre - imdb
Themes - The Auteur, imdb

Create Meaning:
Create a Mood Board that demonstrates the stylistic and generic conventions of the films
Create a 2 min film in the style of Cinema Verite that explores one of the Themes of Pans Labrynth
Create a 2 min film in the style of Magical Realism that explores one of the Themes of La Haine
Research imdb to create a Mind Map (Popplet) linking the directors and actors to previous films/projects and their Themes and Style

Apply to demonstrate
'Discuss the role of Genre, Style and Themes in communicating messages and cultural values' for your film

1. How is it using expectations of Genre to communicate the messages of the film?

2. Is the director considered to be an 'Auteur' - what is their Style and Themes do they explore across their films?

3. How is it communicating it's message through its use of Style - how does this impact the audience?

4. How would the national audience respond to the use of genre and style?

Write up your analysis, choosing 5 scenes from the films to focus on and complete the analysis grids

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