What do the characters represent in relation to Spainish Culture?
How is the military and the church represented?
What do the occultic creatures/monsters represent?
How is youth & innocence represented through Ofelia's character - what purpose and function (see context)?
How is gender representation in the film - is Pan's a feminist film?
Discuss the relationship between masculinity and Facism. What is it saying?
How does the film represent Spain and it's National Identity compared to other films (see below Spirit of the Beehive etc)? Is this National Cinema (see director interview)
How would these representations of people and nation be recieved by the National Audience - article/critical reviews?
La Haine
How are the police represented in relation to what we know about the Prime Minister and President of France at this time?
Highlight the differences in the representation of Central Paris and the Slums (Baloon) - what is the director trying to draw attention to or say?
How does France in this film represent the values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity - which scenes back this up?
How in Vince introduced - what is notable about his relationship with American Cultural references (films, music etc) and his relationship with his family?
How is Hubert intriduced - what does his room and relationship with family reveal about him?
Out of the 3 how is he represented as a man, and an ethnic French-man?
City of God
What role do men and women play in this text?
How important is the representation of 'family' or 'brotherhood' to the cause/effect in the narrative - what does it take to 'come of age' in this film and become a man?
What contextual reasons are there for the gangs - are father figures relevant?
How central to the narrative are women in this film? Do they appear rather than act, or influence rather than effect?
What power do women have in the film to influence, what lessons/consequences are there in the narrative and what is the film therefore saying about Brazilian culture?
Does Mulvey's Male Gaze approach apply to this film - why and what does this suggest about the domestic audience for this film?
What have the reviews suggested about the representation of women and youth in this film - are there any differenecs from how it would be received and the messages understood by it's domestic audience?
How is poverty represented - what is the film 'saying' about the residents of the Favela communities?
Phallic or yonic imagery, examples of psychoanalysis here with parental role models or birth?
How is Brasil's National Identity represented in CoG - does it qualifiy as Nationa Cinema?
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